Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Class 6A of 2015

This year in 6A there are 20 students in total which is quite a small class. So far the whole class have enjoyed having Mr. Mclean as a teacher. This year has started off to be the most greatest year ever, altogether we've played games, done fun activities and had a few quiet learning lessons.

On Monday the 16th of February the grade 6s went out to the basketball court and blasted off into the sky vinegar and bicarb soda  rockets. Everyone had the most excellent time as we watched the rockets shoot up for the sky. On this same day 6A received their grad tops which look amazing everyone was feeling very optimistic about finally wearing them for the very first time. Everyone looked like superstar sport players, we looked fantastic.

Everything thing that 6A have done has been the most incredible time and we hope that the rest of the year will be similar to what we have experienced so far.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Sovereign Hill Excursion

On Friday the 21st of November we went to Sovereign Hill. It took 2 hours and some kids were getting reckless.

When we arrived we went through an old fashioned cottage. After we got through we hopped into our groups and headed off to our first activities. My group and 3 others went into the education centre. We wrote on slates and with ink pens and some kids got to dress up. Max got to be a tiny red coat and pretended to shoot himself in the foot. Once the education centre finished my group and Max’s group went panning. I found a fleck of gold and bought a vial. I gave Ryan the Vial so he did not have to buy one himself. He found a few more pieces before he gave back at the gold pour. My group and Max’s group got a free lolly each from the confectionary. We also watched 2 sorts of plays in the street one the red coats fired their muskets. We also watched a guy design brass.

At the gold pour this guy showed us a piece gold worth over  $1,420 of pure gold and he let 2 people hold it if they wouldn’t run away. He told us how they had got the pure gold.

We went to the lolly shop and I got 5 boiled umbrella lollies. There were many different types of lollies but I could only buy the 5 umbrellas (Very annoying.)

After the lolly shop Mr Mclean finally let us go and pan again. I met Andrew there and got 6 flecks in one pan. It was luck and Andrew went to find more but in a different spot. I followed him and got lucky he was so pissed off at me. Ryan and I found about 18 pieces altogether.

We then had to go so I grabbed my stuff and we went to the bus. Once on the bus the kids were starting to get reckless and the trip back was 3 hours. About 10 minutes in the kids became reckless and at the back it was like a mad house because it was loud and kids hitting each other while at the front the some kids were sleeping. I was at the back and it was a nightmare.

Sovereign Hill

One day on the 21st of November 2014 on Friday 4/5A, 5/6A, 5/6C went to a place called Sovereign Hill. The Bus trip there was 2 hours and mostly there was nothing to do on the bus so we just had to wait on a long trip.

Once we had arrived we got in to are groups and split up to are activities. Are first one for are group was a school lesson on how school was on the gold fields. It was difficult doing the writing activities especially the left handers who had to write right handed and I was one of those people it was not fun at all.

After finishing are first activity we went to pan the first try I got nothing at all which was so annoying I tried so hard but I still got nothing. After Panning for about hour we went to do are tour of the Red Hill mine. In my opinion I thought was relay bad I went to the mine in Bendigo and that was way better and lease that didn’t have cheap affects.

Once we came out of the Red Hill we stared to look around and we stumbled in to the Sovereign Hill bowling alley. I found it to be fun and the rules were simple like real bowling you had to knock all the pin except there wasn’t ten there were nine and they set up in a diamond shape and the lane was so skinny and also you had to use two hands so wired.

We proceeded to other places until we stopped and watched a re-enactment of solders in the streets of Ballarat. They rose there gun and proceeded to shoot the first got me but the rest didn’t scare me. One person gun didn’t shoot right so he had restart so that sucked.

Once we had watched the re-enactment we stated to beg for to go to the lolly shop but once we got there it was all worth it. There were about a 1000 kinds of drops it was lolly heaven and there also umbrellas the lollies not the one you know what.

After a massive sugar rush we went to the smelting room where we were told how to smelt gold. Looking at the gold was amazing on its own. Watching how gold was smelted was pretty cool I thought to myself why anyone doesn’t steal the gold who knows.

For the rest of the day we paned and I found a large speck of gold I was so happy. We were told now to leave and we got on the bus and little did we know that peak hour traffic was on the way and it turned out to be a 3 hour trip.

I think the trip to Sovereign Hill was an amazing experience and I will not forget it at all.


Sovereign Hill Excursion

“BANG!, BANG!, BANG! Went the guns in rapid succession. We were at Sovereign Hill on Friday the 21st of November and some red coat soldiers were marching along the street outside.

It had been a really long bus ride to get there. When we finally did everyone got off and went into our groups of about 14 with our leader, my leader was Mrs. Matsoukas, Layla’s dad and someone else I didn’t know. Our group had a small snack and went on our way to Redhill mine.

When we got there we were directed to an artificial mine, it was really cool looking down into the raggedy, dim mine. There were 52 steps going down and 53 coming back up (that’s 105 steps if you hadn’t noticed). It was a self-guided tour with overhead speakers to tell where to go. There was also a short clip from a projector; it showed a miner when he found the welcome nugget (the second last largest gold nugget ever found second only to the welcome stranger), then they showed us a replica of the original.

After that we had a bite to eat and watched a man make lollies in a place called Brown & Co’s Confectionary. It was really cool watching him knead some pastry looking stuff on a hot plate, and then he put it in a roller to make into a make it into a spherical shape. Then we all got to sample the sweets he’d made. They were DELICOUS!

Some of the other highlights were: bowling (9 pins and you had to set them up yourself), the lolly shop (delicious hard boiled sweets), panning for gold (I found a whole milligram of gold! (Insert sarcasm here)) And watching a man melt gold in a clay and graphite pot then putting it into a mould and making an ingot. It was awesome.

Overall Sovereign Hill was awesome and everyone had an amazing time!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

House athletics

This year athletics was done at Springfield oval and this year there was some big shocks. Riley (Red) had had smashed the relays and in 100 meter came 1st 2nd and 3rd but Bradman (Blue) winning the long distance runs and Freeman (Green) where coming second and third most of the time and Perkins (Yellow) had not did that well but were 1st once or twice. This year’s humongous and just plain not even thought of upsets were strange ones. The places were Perkins (Yellow) 4th, Freeman (Green) 3rd, Riley (Red) 2nd so that makes Bradman (Blue) the winners and House Athletics had finished. It was one of the most exciting athletics I had ever seen it was so nerve racking all the way.                                   

Samoan Hand Clap Game

Recently in Performing Arts, our class has been learning about Pacific Islander music and as part of that subject we have learnt the Samoan Hand Clap Game! This game consists of a whole lot of patting, slapping and clapping with your legs, arms and hands. There may be more to this really fun game, but we don’t know that yet! Since we learnt the first three steps, everyone in the senior level has been practising and playing this hand clap game together! The teachers have also spotted us doing it and some have even joined in the fun! The grade sixes may be doing for graduation this year because we have gotten so good at it and it would be great to show our family and friends what we have learnt! Of course, we all can’t wait to learn the next steps to this awesome, Samoan Hand Clap Game!!!

By Niamh Mebalds

High jump and hurdles

Recently this term, in PE, we have been practising high jump and hurdles for district athletics. First we did hurdles and we were allowed to jump over hurdles on the oval. Most of the hurdles were about 75cm or at your waist’s height. It was very high so I could only jump the 75cm ones, and not the 80cm ones. I enjoyed being out on the oval and jumping over the hurdles. It was nice to practise for district athletics, although I don’t think I am going to participate in any hurdles race. It was a nice experience. Then a week after that we started to practise high jump for district athletics. I was jumping from the left side and we started jumping with 75cm and then we went all the way up to a metre. I made it up to 90cm and then I started hitting the bar on the 95cm bar. It was fun but the first couple of goes it was a bit scary and I was nervous but then I got the hang of it after a while. It was great and I liked doing high jump again.

-Jasmijn V