Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Sovereign Hill Excursion

“BANG!, BANG!, BANG! Went the guns in rapid succession. We were at Sovereign Hill on Friday the 21st of November and some red coat soldiers were marching along the street outside.

It had been a really long bus ride to get there. When we finally did everyone got off and went into our groups of about 14 with our leader, my leader was Mrs. Matsoukas, Layla’s dad and someone else I didn’t know. Our group had a small snack and went on our way to Redhill mine.

When we got there we were directed to an artificial mine, it was really cool looking down into the raggedy, dim mine. There were 52 steps going down and 53 coming back up (that’s 105 steps if you hadn’t noticed). It was a self-guided tour with overhead speakers to tell where to go. There was also a short clip from a projector; it showed a miner when he found the welcome nugget (the second last largest gold nugget ever found second only to the welcome stranger), then they showed us a replica of the original.

After that we had a bite to eat and watched a man make lollies in a place called Brown & Co’s Confectionary. It was really cool watching him knead some pastry looking stuff on a hot plate, and then he put it in a roller to make into a make it into a spherical shape. Then we all got to sample the sweets he’d made. They were DELICOUS!

Some of the other highlights were: bowling (9 pins and you had to set them up yourself), the lolly shop (delicious hard boiled sweets), panning for gold (I found a whole milligram of gold! (Insert sarcasm here)) And watching a man melt gold in a clay and graphite pot then putting it into a mould and making an ingot. It was awesome.

Overall Sovereign Hill was awesome and everyone had an amazing time!

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