Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Sovereign Hill Excursion

On Friday the 21st of November we went to Sovereign Hill. It took 2 hours and some kids were getting reckless.

When we arrived we went through an old fashioned cottage. After we got through we hopped into our groups and headed off to our first activities. My group and 3 others went into the education centre. We wrote on slates and with ink pens and some kids got to dress up. Max got to be a tiny red coat and pretended to shoot himself in the foot. Once the education centre finished my group and Max’s group went panning. I found a fleck of gold and bought a vial. I gave Ryan the Vial so he did not have to buy one himself. He found a few more pieces before he gave back at the gold pour. My group and Max’s group got a free lolly each from the confectionary. We also watched 2 sorts of plays in the street one the red coats fired their muskets. We also watched a guy design brass.

At the gold pour this guy showed us a piece gold worth over  $1,420 of pure gold and he let 2 people hold it if they wouldn’t run away. He told us how they had got the pure gold.

We went to the lolly shop and I got 5 boiled umbrella lollies. There were many different types of lollies but I could only buy the 5 umbrellas (Very annoying.)

After the lolly shop Mr Mclean finally let us go and pan again. I met Andrew there and got 6 flecks in one pan. It was luck and Andrew went to find more but in a different spot. I followed him and got lucky he was so pissed off at me. Ryan and I found about 18 pieces altogether.

We then had to go so I grabbed my stuff and we went to the bus. Once on the bus the kids were starting to get reckless and the trip back was 3 hours. About 10 minutes in the kids became reckless and at the back it was like a mad house because it was loud and kids hitting each other while at the front the some kids were sleeping. I was at the back and it was a nightmare.

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