Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Samoan Hand Clap Game

Recently in Performing Arts, our class has been learning about Pacific Islander music and as part of that subject we have learnt the Samoan Hand Clap Game! This game consists of a whole lot of patting, slapping and clapping with your legs, arms and hands. There may be more to this really fun game, but we don’t know that yet! Since we learnt the first three steps, everyone in the senior level has been practising and playing this hand clap game together! The teachers have also spotted us doing it and some have even joined in the fun! The grade sixes may be doing for graduation this year because we have gotten so good at it and it would be great to show our family and friends what we have learnt! Of course, we all can’t wait to learn the next steps to this awesome, Samoan Hand Clap Game!!!

By Niamh Mebalds

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