Monday, August 4, 2014

Snow Leopard_Phoebe Gu

Snow Leopard
    Snow leopards are large cats native to the mountain ranges of central and South Asia. It's listed as endangered on the 'IUCN Red List of Threatened Species', and in 2003, the size of the the global population was 4080~6590 adults, of which fewer than 2500 individuals may reproduce in the wild.

    Snow leopards have long, thick fur and their base colour is smoky gray. Unusually among cats, their eyes are pale green or grey in colour because the moutain environment. Their bodies are stocky, their ears are small and rounded. Their tails are very thickly covered with fur which allow them to be used like a blanket when they sleep.

    Snow Leopards live in South Asia on the mountains. They love rocky places. They can travel without difficulty in snow up to 85cm deep, although they prefer to use existing trails made by other animals.

     Snow leopards are predators. Like many cats, they also eat whatever meat they can find, including carrion and domestic livestock. They can kill their own weight, such as the Bharal (a Himalayan Blue Sheep) and Argali (mountain sheep).

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