Friday, March 25, 2011

Homework week 9

Grade 4/5A Homework Week 9

Read for 20 minutes each night and record the name of the book and the page numbers read each morning / night in your diary.

Practice the 8 times tables for times table challenge on Friday.
Problem solving
1. The train from Point Pleasant leaves
at 5:47 and arrives in Long Branch
33 minutes later. After waiting at the
Long Branch station for 14 minutes, the
train leaves for New York. The trip from
Long Branch to New York takes 1 hour
20 minutes. What time does the train
arrive in New York?
2. Samuel takes the train from Point
Pleasant to New York. It takes him about
15 minutes to bike from his house to
Point Pleasant. About how long does it
take Samuel to get from his house to
New York?
3. Maddy takes the train from Point
Pleasant to Long Branch. She needs
12 minutes to walk from her apartment
to the Point Pleasant train station and
12 minutes to walk from the Long
Branch train station to her office. How
long does it take Maddy to get from
her apartment to her office?
4. To go from home to work, Kristen takes
a train for 1 hour 15 minutes and then a
subway for 12 minutes. She said her total
daily commute is 1 hour 27 minutes. Is
she correct? Explain.

Writing - Problem Solving
(Case study only): Vandalism is a real problem at your school and is costing the school council a lot of money. There has been damage to the gardens, and the canteen and multipurpose room have been broken into on several occasions, with equipment wrecked or stolen. The school has good reason to suspect local teenagers, but the police have not been able to catch them ‘in the act’.
How can this problem be overcome?

Complete three activities from the Blooms Gardner activity grid for your spelling words. Practice your words for a spelling test on Friday.

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