Sunday, March 6, 2011

Homework week 6

Level 4 Homework Week 6


Read for 20 minutes each night and record the name of the book and the page numbers read each morning / night in your diary.


Practice the 7 times tables for times table challenge on Friday.

Complete the maths sheet on the back.


Complete three activities from the Blooms Gardner activity grid for your spelling words. Practice your words for a spelling test on Friday.

1. Stranger

2. Wednesday

3. Footscray

4. Fainting

5. Containing

6. Hailstorm

7. Fountain

8. Vain

9. Traitor

10. Radiator


Directions: Solve the word problems. Show your work.
1. There were 2,325 hockey fans in the arena for the game Friday night. On Saturday
there were 3,127 fans that showed up for that game. What was the total number of
hockey fans that came to both games?
2. 1,052 students from New York went on vacation for spring break. At the same time,
3,274 students from California went on vacation. How many students from both
states went on vacation for spring break in all?
3. On Earth Day, 3,459 trees were planted along the west coast. On the east coast,
2,725 trees were planted. How many trees were planted all together on Earth Day?
4. If Tom had $5,689 in his bank account, and Tina had $9,452 in her account,
how much money would they have all together?
5. The flight attendant flew 6,268 miles on her first trip, and then she flew 4,555 miles
on her second trip. What was the total number of miles she flew in those two trips?
6. 3,212 people came to hear the President speak in Colorado. In Texas, 4,788 people
came to hear him speak. How many people heard the Presidential speech in both of
those states?

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