Thursday, March 31, 2011

Homework week 10 4/5A

Read for 20 minutes each night and record the name of the book and the page numbers read each morning / night in your diary.

Practice the 9 times tables for times table challenge on Friday.
Problem solving
1. Uncle Henry was driving to Halifax when he spotted a big green gorilla on the side of the road. He screeched to a stop, jumped out of his car. He saw the outline of a number on the gorilla. He couldn't quite see the number, but he knew it was a 4 digit number. And: 1) He remembered seeing a number 1. 2) In the hundred's place he remembers the number is 3 times the number in the thousand's place. 3) He said the number in the one's place is 4 times the number in the ten's place. 4) Finally he said the number 2 is sitting in the thousand's place.
What is the number?
2. Elmer Fudd decided to grow a garden so he could make salad. He wants to make it 10.1 m long and 4.2 m wide. However, in order to avoid Bugs Bunny from entering his garden he must make a fence surrounding the garden. He decides to make the fence 11.2 m long and 5.0 m wide. What is the area between the fence and the garden?
3. Jenny bought 7 t-shirts, one for each of her seven brothers, for $9.95 each. The cashier charged her an additional $13.07 in sales tax. She left the store with a measely $7.28. How much money did Jenny start with?
4. Dave gave Charlotte half of his pogs. Charlotte gave Johnnie half of the pogs she received from Dave. Johnnie kept 8 of those pogs and gave the remaining 10 to Dana. How many pogs did Dave give Charlotte?
5. On an average day, Canadians spend $958904.00 buying video games. Of this total $767123.00 is spent on Nintendo games. In one week how much do Canadians spend on Nintendo Games. How much do they spend on other video games in a week?

Writing -
Problem Solving
(Case study)You want to get out of attending school on Friday because the School Medical Service is coming to give vaccinations. a. Invent twenty really good excuses. b. Describe whether this is really a good idea, and say why.

Spelling Complete three activities from the Blooms Gardner activity grid for your spelling words. Practice your words for a spelling test on Thursday.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Homework week 9

Grade 4/5A Homework Week 9

Read for 20 minutes each night and record the name of the book and the page numbers read each morning / night in your diary.

Practice the 8 times tables for times table challenge on Friday.
Problem solving
1. The train from Point Pleasant leaves
at 5:47 and arrives in Long Branch
33 minutes later. After waiting at the
Long Branch station for 14 minutes, the
train leaves for New York. The trip from
Long Branch to New York takes 1 hour
20 minutes. What time does the train
arrive in New York?
2. Samuel takes the train from Point
Pleasant to New York. It takes him about
15 minutes to bike from his house to
Point Pleasant. About how long does it
take Samuel to get from his house to
New York?
3. Maddy takes the train from Point
Pleasant to Long Branch. She needs
12 minutes to walk from her apartment
to the Point Pleasant train station and
12 minutes to walk from the Long
Branch train station to her office. How
long does it take Maddy to get from
her apartment to her office?
4. To go from home to work, Kristen takes
a train for 1 hour 15 minutes and then a
subway for 12 minutes. She said her total
daily commute is 1 hour 27 minutes. Is
she correct? Explain.

Writing - Problem Solving
(Case study only): Vandalism is a real problem at your school and is costing the school council a lot of money. There has been damage to the gardens, and the canteen and multipurpose room have been broken into on several occasions, with equipment wrecked or stolen. The school has good reason to suspect local teenagers, but the police have not been able to catch them ‘in the act’.
How can this problem be overcome?

Complete three activities from the Blooms Gardner activity grid for your spelling words. Practice your words for a spelling test on Friday.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Homework week 6

Level 4 Homework Week 6


Read for 20 minutes each night and record the name of the book and the page numbers read each morning / night in your diary.


Practice the 7 times tables for times table challenge on Friday.

Complete the maths sheet on the back.


Complete three activities from the Blooms Gardner activity grid for your spelling words. Practice your words for a spelling test on Friday.

1. Stranger

2. Wednesday

3. Footscray

4. Fainting

5. Containing

6. Hailstorm

7. Fountain

8. Vain

9. Traitor

10. Radiator


Directions: Solve the word problems. Show your work.
1. There were 2,325 hockey fans in the arena for the game Friday night. On Saturday
there were 3,127 fans that showed up for that game. What was the total number of
hockey fans that came to both games?
2. 1,052 students from New York went on vacation for spring break. At the same time,
3,274 students from California went on vacation. How many students from both
states went on vacation for spring break in all?
3. On Earth Day, 3,459 trees were planted along the west coast. On the east coast,
2,725 trees were planted. How many trees were planted all together on Earth Day?
4. If Tom had $5,689 in his bank account, and Tina had $9,452 in her account,
how much money would they have all together?
5. The flight attendant flew 6,268 miles on her first trip, and then she flew 4,555 miles
on her second trip. What was the total number of miles she flew in those two trips?
6. 3,212 people came to hear the President speak in Colorado. In Texas, 4,788 people
came to hear him speak. How many people heard the Presidential speech in both of
those states?