Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Platypus Report


A platypus has a bill like a duck. They are mammals and their life span is about 15-20 years. The platypus is one of  only 2 mammals that lay eggs. The scientific name for a platypus is Ornithorhynchus Anatinus.

The colour of their fur is brown, grey and black. Adult platypus do not have teeth but young platypus have molar teeth. A baby platypus does not have an official title but most people call them platypups.

Platypus live in Western Australia and Tasmania. They live in burrows that are about 30cm deep. They spend about 12 hours a day hunting in the fresh water. Their burrows are usually in fresh water, rivers or lakes.

Platypus are omnivores and it's favourite food is shrimp. Their predators are foxes, snakes and crocodiles. Their leathery snout has electro-receptors that pick up small electrical signals sent by animals when they move. A male platypus can release toxic venom. By Ella. M

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