Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Class 6A of 2015

This year in 6A there are 20 students in total which is quite a small class. So far the whole class have enjoyed having Mr. Mclean as a teacher. This year has started off to be the most greatest year ever, altogether we've played games, done fun activities and had a few quiet learning lessons.

On Monday the 16th of February the grade 6s went out to the basketball court and blasted off into the sky vinegar and bicarb soda  rockets. Everyone had the most excellent time as we watched the rockets shoot up for the sky. On this same day 6A received their grad tops which look amazing everyone was feeling very optimistic about finally wearing them for the very first time. Everyone looked like superstar sport players, we looked fantastic.

Everything thing that 6A have done has been the most incredible time and we hope that the rest of the year will be similar to what we have experienced so far.