Monday, September 12, 2011

Homework week 9 and 10

Research an inland Australian explorer.
1. Establish when and where their journey took place.
2. Mark their journey on a map of Australia
3. Using the BOM site research the weather at the time of their expedition
4. Research - low and high temp, rain fall, humidity etc
5. Graph the reults of your data collection
6. Decide if the weather affected the success or failure of the expedition

A booklet to complete and display your answers will be handed out in class.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Emma Marshall wins Aussie of the Month

Congratulations to Emma Marshall from grade 4/5A on being Aussie of the Month for August 2011.

The reasons for the nomination were:

1. She is kind and considerate of other peoples feelings

2.She ensures that all are included in classroom and playground activities

3. She is hardworking in class activities and always works to the best of her ability

4. She is confident, resilient, persistent, sensible and a good listener

Homework Week 8 Term 3 2011

Draw a comic depicting your second week of swimming lessons. This should include episodes from each day, dialogue and some your achievements. If you are not swimming depict a typical week at school- include specialists and extra curricular activities.