Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Dragon to guard the class

This term, we did varities of things including art. We did a paper mache dragon with paint, paper, glitter, glue, card board and paper mache. First we made a creative group so all the creative people got together and spoke at each other about ideas. At last we came to an excellent idea ( well Mr. McLean got the idea) we got a card board box for a computer, cut the sharp corners, get half a box about a size of a laptop then stick the little box on the big box, get a shoe box stick it in the laptop box. We made horns out of thin cardboard and stuck them on. When we finally finished, we had the dragon mached and painted it in red paint. It looked terrific but the eyes, nostrils, scales were missing so it looked really strange. After a few days of hard work we finished the dragon. It looked very fierce so we named it,'The dragon to guard the class.'
By Gloria

Environment Haiku

Our class in action